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http://www.inktastic.com/Find/Graves+Disease+Awareness |
Finally, a name and with this I could begin to fight. The first thing I realized was that it the roles in my household were reversed. My daughter had become a worrier. She checked on me while I slept to make sure I was breathing and okay. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I needed all the sleep I could get, because my anxiety level was off the charts at night? What she knew was that she did not want to loose her mother and she was going to do here part at trying to keep me well.....My hat, appreciation and love will always go out to my baby. She fights with me. It has been 6 years since I was properly diagnosed and at twelve she shows no signs of letting go of her overprotectiveness. She still asks about my doctors appointments, tests results and often reminds me of my medication. The best thing about this is that it shows me how much of a support system I have in her. The downside is that I feel as a parent, I should always be her support system not the other way around. Graves has shown me a different side to illnesses. We always say that the person is going through an illnesses, but truly the FAMILY goes through an illness. For me FAMILY means my DAUGHTER, she walks the walks with me day in and day out.
This post is not just about Graves Disease Awareness, but about what I learned about my daughter through this disease. She is very resilient when dealing with me and all my faults. She has a great thirst for life that is quenched through the positive individuals she encounters. My daughter has an inner light that never dims, no matter what obstacles she face. Her greater instinct to help and mother others in need, outweighs her common sense sometimes (discernment is what we are learning to use in these instances). My daughter is my hero!