Today was proof of that. She asked his girlfriend inappropriate questions and spoke to him as if he was a friend. The problem with this is that my brother does not say anything to her; he just comes back and speaks to either me or my mother about it. I have spoke to her about this issue as well as grounded her; still the result was the same (evidence today). Now, I am about to start something new, RESPECT is do or nothing will be GIVEN! How do you think this will go over with her? Pray for me, this is uncharted territory for me with this little/big girl!
This blog is about my journey as a single mother. What I have learned from my daughter and what she continues to teach me everyday.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Furious Mom!
Today was proof of that. She asked his girlfriend inappropriate questions and spoke to him as if he was a friend. The problem with this is that my brother does not say anything to her; he just comes back and speaks to either me or my mother about it. I have spoke to her about this issue as well as grounded her; still the result was the same (evidence today). Now, I am about to start something new, RESPECT is do or nothing will be GIVEN! How do you think this will go over with her? Pray for me, this is uncharted territory for me with this little/big girl!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Barrel of Water #2
As to be expected tears begin to form in my eyes as my daughter’s turn to speak approaches. Partly because she was being shy, because of all the extra unknown people in the audience that she did not know.
The question was asked “Why are you thankful for your parents” and my daughter placed her hands up to her eyes and made a slit in one of them so that she could eye me while speaking, and said “Because she loves me”. In that instant, the tears just flowed with ease. I was so proud of her and it touched my heart greatly that she remembered without a shadow of a doubt that MOMMY LOVES HER INFINITY! But I had to remember that we were around her friends and that she is getting older; so I quickly cleared traces of the tears from my chicks and eyes, mouthed to her that she did an excellent job and that I was so proud of her.
I could not help but yell inside a resounding: YES, SHE GETS IT! Finally, a verbal confirmation that I am raising a child who is socially and ethically aware of others. GOD is GOOD!
MOMMY loves you infinity, Makenly! Thank you for being my cover through the storms!
A mothers Love,
Urban Youth Impact
Monday, November 15, 2010
A Call for HELP!
For the past two weeks I have been creating, researching and promoting my business website for my company Writers, ETC (which I started two years ago and had to take a break due to health reasons). I created this website and then started to promote it while attending grad school at night, working during the day and spending time with my little one. Who says there aren't SUPERMOMS? LOL.....More like VERY TIRED MOM'S....but I feel like the end result will be greater for me and her alike. Getting my business off the ground will allow me the flexibility and freedom to be there more with her in more ways than one. Opening up about what I do has been very hard for me, because some people perceive it as being boastful, but it is getting easier as time goes on (I am a very humble person, so when asked is when I open up about things). I started promoting my other company as well Shann's Boutique, which is a party favors website that I like because of the different variety of items it offers. It gives me great ideas for planning events and writing workshops for Writer, ETC.
With that said, I co-authored a book, which was released October 28th, titled Transformation: Reinventing the Woman Within (ask me about it, I think you will like what you hear). Therefore, I am in need of someone good to create an authors page on blogger to aid me in promoting and selling this and other books. Because, I recognize that I can't do everything, I am reaching out and saying HELP to anyone who knows someone who can help me with this project.

This is my post today from a "Superwoman Syndrome" mother who is realizing that she can't possibly do everything herself and is looking for people who have the same values as she does to work with! HELP!!!!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Strength of a Mother
The test of my mommy patience and strength was tested this past Tuesday! My daughter is going through precocious puberty (this is another thing that I am trying to learn about and deal with) at 7 years old and had to have testing done at a local hospital’s outpatient surgical center. The test was about 4 hours and she had to fast prior to the test (the beginning of a monster – a hungry kid). I can not begin to put my day into words; therefore here is the schedule of the events that took place:
6:40a.m. - We leave the house with destination hospital in sight!
8:35a.m. - Bone density X-ray taken (this was quick and easy)
9:15a.m. - It took 4 people (me and three nurses) to hold my daughter so that she could get her IV.
10:00a.m. - She cries that she is hungry and needs to eat NOW!
10:35a.m. - She begin to cry louder that she needs to eat NOW!
This small schedule is just a glimpse of what I had to contend with on that day. Every thirty minutes, blood was taken and after 4 hours of my daughter crying and being insistent that she needed to eat; it was over! 1:3 never looked so good! I could have hugged the clock in a momentous embrace. She was able to eat finally and the monster went away and my sweet baby girl reappeared. After arriving home I needed a nap, I felt like I was a preschooler who missed their nap!
My daughter has an unhealthy fear of needles; SOMETIMES! It is a weird situation where she is deadly afraid sometimes and less fearful other times. How do I begin to break her of this fear, knowing that this will not be her final meeting with a needle? Any suggestions, please?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Random Thoughts of the Night!
As I stare at my little girl sleeping with such ease, my mind drift to thoughts of what's to be. If someone would have told me 10 years ago that I would be a single mother of an intelligent little girl, an author, entrepreneur and grad student without a husband; I would have told them to keep dreaming. Now, I can't see my life without any of it including the husband. Tonight my thoughts are random in the selection of past, present and future ideas, however one is selective: Am I destine to do this alone for my life? This has to be the thought of every single parent at some point, right? Or am I the only one who thinks this?
I can't help but look at her and feel that she is missing out on so much, by my selective behavior in the opposite sex. But when I think of how much she means to me and how much I want her life to be as diverse and full of greatness, one thought comes to mind: How can I not be selective in who I introduce into our lives?
As the story continues to unfold, I dream of grander times when I can share this life that I am building with a person willing to accept the gift that we have to offer! I struggle with not revealing to much or being to personal on this blog; however these random thoughts tonight needed to be expressed!
I hope you don't mind. Have a great Halloween Everyone!
I can't help but look at her and feel that she is missing out on so much, by my selective behavior in the opposite sex. But when I think of how much she means to me and how much I want her life to be as diverse and full of greatness, one thought comes to mind: How can I not be selective in who I introduce into our lives?
As the story continues to unfold, I dream of grander times when I can share this life that I am building with a person willing to accept the gift that we have to offer! I struggle with not revealing to much or being to personal on this blog; however these random thoughts tonight needed to be expressed!
I hope you don't mind. Have a great Halloween Everyone!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Me and a friend was chatting about how suspicious we are of everyone (seems this way anyway). He had a project to do, which was to give away $50 to a person that needed it and to his dismay; he could not give it away! People flat out refused it, walked away or wanted to know what the arterial motive was for the gift. To me this was both baffling and understandable. Baffling, because in this economic battle that is upon us to stay afloat; you still can’t give money away. Understandable, because you don’t know who to trust or who will expect something in return for their kindness.
Are we under an illusion that the world still has some good in it?
Have we seen so much bad that we tend to expect the worst from everyone that we meet?
As a society, are we that disheartened that we think the worst in people without even knowing them or what they are about? It seems that way! I initiated a conversation with another friend who was in the military about this topic. He stated that since 9-11 he has become apprehensive of any and everyone that were not family members. I told him that I have become that way of everyone since I became a parent and the child abduction rates have sky rocketed. As an adult I can remember a simpler time when Halloween was a time to look forward to, not a time to analyze candy or decide to give a party instead of going door to door. A simpler time, when someone came up to you and gave you a quarter, you said “thank you” and went to the ice cream truck. Now we teach our children that you never take money or anything from strangers.
Is kindness a dying art form in our communities today or do we have to look deep for the great community that we envision? The lessons that I teach my daughter are in direct conflict with how our society is. I teach the biblical lessons of being kind to someone even though they may not be kind to you. As a seven year old this is very hard for her, because she expects everyone to be kind and if they are not she wants to treat them the same way they treat her (work in progress). I also teach her to see the good in a person even when they only show her the bad (I am working on this one as well, I tend to just shy away from dealing with that person at all, too much stress. Ironically, she does the same thing). I also tell her that you should not expect the worst (Even though most people expect the worst and is shocked by the best).
Having these conversations with these two individuals have started me to think about the foundation that I am building with my daughter and the vision that she will have toward life. Am I setting her up for a hard fall or am I giving her a positive outlook for a gloomy future filled with not so kind people?
Don’t get me wrong, I teach her to have survival instinct as well such as don’t talk to strangers, everyone is not your friend, be a leader not a follower, fight for yourself; do not let anyone bully you in to anything, be yourself ;an original, and most importantly, love yourself that way you won’t fall for anything! But I want her to also have a POSITIVE outlook on life instead of being one of those people who are always NEGATIVE about everything and everybody (we all know someone like this)!
Am I asking for too much? This is my Friday rant on KINDNESS!
Are we under an illusion that the world still has some good in it?
Have we seen so much bad that we tend to expect the worst from everyone that we meet?
As a society, are we that disheartened that we think the worst in people without even knowing them or what they are about? It seems that way! I initiated a conversation with another friend who was in the military about this topic. He stated that since 9-11 he has become apprehensive of any and everyone that were not family members. I told him that I have become that way of everyone since I became a parent and the child abduction rates have sky rocketed. As an adult I can remember a simpler time when Halloween was a time to look forward to, not a time to analyze candy or decide to give a party instead of going door to door. A simpler time, when someone came up to you and gave you a quarter, you said “thank you” and went to the ice cream truck. Now we teach our children that you never take money or anything from strangers.
Is kindness a dying art form in our communities today or do we have to look deep for the great community that we envision? The lessons that I teach my daughter are in direct conflict with how our society is. I teach the biblical lessons of being kind to someone even though they may not be kind to you. As a seven year old this is very hard for her, because she expects everyone to be kind and if they are not she wants to treat them the same way they treat her (work in progress). I also teach her to see the good in a person even when they only show her the bad (I am working on this one as well, I tend to just shy away from dealing with that person at all, too much stress. Ironically, she does the same thing). I also tell her that you should not expect the worst (Even though most people expect the worst and is shocked by the best).
Having these conversations with these two individuals have started me to think about the foundation that I am building with my daughter and the vision that she will have toward life. Am I setting her up for a hard fall or am I giving her a positive outlook for a gloomy future filled with not so kind people?
Don’t get me wrong, I teach her to have survival instinct as well such as don’t talk to strangers, everyone is not your friend, be a leader not a follower, fight for yourself; do not let anyone bully you in to anything, be yourself ;an original, and most importantly, love yourself that way you won’t fall for anything! But I want her to also have a POSITIVE outlook on life instead of being one of those people who are always NEGATIVE about everything and everybody (we all know someone like this)!
Am I asking for too much? This is my Friday rant on KINDNESS!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I.D. ink...what we thINK: Meet Alisha....
As a single parent of a very active, 7 year old little girl, I stay on edge when taking trips with her and her friends out in public. I am always looking and counting to make sure that everyone is with me. We we get in the car, it is like a breathe of fresh air for me. I ran across this blog today and I think it is a great way for parents to take a step further in making sure that their children are okay. Even though I do not anticipate my daughter getting loss, I am going to purchase these and utilize them when I have small groups of children with me such as attending the fair, girl scout outings, outside concerts, etc...... Take a look at their blog below then visit their site. Give me feedback on what you think.
I.D. ink...what we thINK: Meet Alisha....: "Hello Blog friends.... well as of right now- we have no one following so this is pretty much to myself which I believe is the first sign of ..."
I.D. ink...what we thINK: Meet Alisha....: "Hello Blog friends.... well as of right now- we have no one following so this is pretty much to myself which I believe is the first sign of ..."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Barrel of Water
Lately, my life has had a few curves and detours. And my baby has been along for the ride experiencing a little more than what I wanted her too. But never the less she deals with it gracefully (as any 7 year old can). Yesterday, it kind of came to a breaking down point for me through a single gesture of thoughtfulness.
We had arrived home as we always do and my daughter instantly started her homework. After, that was done she helped me prepare dinner. Once we ate, I instructed her to clean her room up. As always her happy little comment was "can I vacuum the floor too?” Ever since she conquered her fear of the vacuum cleaner it has been no stopping her. LOL So without instruction, she began to vacuum the floor in the living room as well. In that moment my eyes whelped up and I gave her a big huge and told her thank you for being considerate enough to do that without being asked to do so. She smiled and said "you're welcome, mommy". Now, looking back I realize that I was a BIG BARREL OF WATER yesterday. LOL....Enjoy your day!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Overwhelming Love
I have taken a small break from this blog. I have not been feeling well, which was a prelude to me having a cyst burst on my ovaries (Again). If any of you have ever experienced this, it is a pain like no other. I would have rather did NATURAL child-birth again. YES, I said it! NATURAL! Even though I was in so much pain, my guiding light was my 7-year-old. From that morning trying to get her dress she was more concerned with me being okay. When thinking about how much a child loves their parents that they think unselfishly about them when they are hurt, makes me say that we as adults can take a page out of the CHILDREN’S NOTEBOOK OF LIFE!
To give my daughter a small glimpse into just how much she has affected my life and just how much I appreciate her, I wrote this letter to her titled: You mean the World!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
To give my daughter a small glimpse into just how much she has affected my life and just how much I appreciate her, I wrote this letter to her titled: You mean the World!
How do I begin to explain my un-defining love and appreciation I have for you little one? You were never planned, but you were expected. You were foretold to me months before I knew you existed; yet I felt as if you were with me always. I feel like you came into my life to give me direction back to the path God had laid out, you gave me a purpose and most of all you filled me with so much LOVE!
As a parent I look at you and see a beautiful and intelligent little girl who I want to succeed based on her choices, wants and beliefs in life. My prayer and fear is that I can give back to you an ounce of what you bring to me on a daily basis. As a single parent, I worry so much about small and big things in regards to our life. But each and every time I look into your eyes you bring a brightness to my soul.
Our bond did not begin after you were born, that unbreakable bond that we have was created before I laid my eyes upon you! You stick by me through sickness and good times. You are always understanding, you are never un-thoughtful, and you are always willing to help. What more could a mother ask for? You are not perfect, nor do you try to be; but with all your imperfections you give your all when it comes to ME!
I hope and I pray that I can be as great of a mother to you as a GREAT of a daughter you are to me!
Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Manners: Where are they?
Today, I took a figurative look through my daughter’s eyes at the people who we encounter every day. I have worked hard to instill manners, values and an unbreakable foundation in my daughter. But looking around today I see so many individuals, old and young alike, who are lacking the basic fundamentals of life. The main one that I am referring to is courtesy! As I walked down the corridors, I did what I am accustom to doing; I looked each person in the eye, and either nodding my head and gave a gracious smile (if they were talking but made eye contact with me) or I said hello. Out of the maybe 20 people (estimate) I passed only 7 bothered to give a gesture in return!
This is sad! Looking back I use to get so upset when my daughter was younger. She would speak to individuals and some would ignore her. I can remember thinking to myself "what kind of person does not speak to a child". But as time has went on my daughter continues to speak even without a response, even though I can tell that it bothers her sometimes when the greeting is not delivered in return.
Once again, my daughter has taught me to continue speaking. But how ironic I just begin to take note of how people now are so distant, even when a greeting is sent their way. It makes me wonder, am I teaching my daughter an OLD rule that needs to be modified based on today's society?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
After My Own Heart
Starring off into the half dusk sky, my daughter had that faint glimmer of deep thought in her eyes and her face displayed a traveling ease of far away contemplations; which lead me to envision myself as a child as if my car was a two way mirror from the past to the present. I felt that something was on her mind and when asked, she gave subtle, non-evasive replies “Nothing is on my mind”, “I am just quiet, mommy”, and my favorite: silence!
Ten minutes after I gave up the attempt to journey into her mind, a faint voice entered my thoughts by saying “Mommy, I do not want you to pass away”, “What would I do without you”. I was surprised by her expression and was immediately jolted into stating to her that “She will be okay, God will be here to help her through difficult times”. Her response to me was classic; “I am too little to be without you”. With a smile on my face and a nod of my head I said “God willing I will live to see you graduate from school, start your own family and surpass what I have achieved in life”.
This conversation began while we watched the Loretta Claiborne story. When the actress began to cry because her mom died, I automatically turned my attention to my daughter to view what her reaction was to this moment. Her face had become sadden as she took it all in. Once she realized that I was watching her, she turned and asked “Why is she sad, mommy.” I said to her that the lady is sad because her mom passed away. At this particular instance, I could tell by the look she had that this would come back up soon.
And so it did!
But reminiscing about my childhood brings back these same memories that I use to have as a youth. I did not want to pass away early and miss out on my family. I use to think of death and stare off into the sky and think of the future and it would bring me to tears thinking of the what-if’s. How ironic we as adults think that our children are so different from us, when in essence they are miniature replicas of ourselves waiting to blossom into their unique selves.
After the conversation was over and she settled back into her set as we continued on our way home, I could not help but to think “LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER!”
Ten minutes after I gave up the attempt to journey into her mind, a faint voice entered my thoughts by saying “Mommy, I do not want you to pass away”, “What would I do without you”. I was surprised by her expression and was immediately jolted into stating to her that “She will be okay, God will be here to help her through difficult times”. Her response to me was classic; “I am too little to be without you”. With a smile on my face and a nod of my head I said “God willing I will live to see you graduate from school, start your own family and surpass what I have achieved in life”.
This conversation began while we watched the Loretta Claiborne story. When the actress began to cry because her mom died, I automatically turned my attention to my daughter to view what her reaction was to this moment. Her face had become sadden as she took it all in. Once she realized that I was watching her, she turned and asked “Why is she sad, mommy.” I said to her that the lady is sad because her mom passed away. At this particular instance, I could tell by the look she had that this would come back up soon.
And so it did!
But reminiscing about my childhood brings back these same memories that I use to have as a youth. I did not want to pass away early and miss out on my family. I use to think of death and stare off into the sky and think of the future and it would bring me to tears thinking of the what-if’s. How ironic we as adults think that our children are so different from us, when in essence they are miniature replicas of ourselves waiting to blossom into their unique selves.
After the conversation was over and she settled back into her set as we continued on our way home, I could not help but to think “LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER!”
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